Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Devotional by Raul Ries

Daily Devotional by Raul Ries

Ambassador for Christ
Paul, called to be an apostle of Jesus Christ through the will of God, and Sosthenes our brother.
1 Corinthians 1:1

Many times, Paul used the title of servant in his greeting, but he did not start out with servant in this letter. He began with apostle, which means "ambassador, one who is going to be sent." Paul had been called by God, and then God sent him out to preach the message of salvation to the Gentiles.

Before you are sent, you have to know your calling, and you have to have the anointing in your life. This is very important. You have to have the anointing and the call of God.
The reason I say this is because Paul said, "I am an apostle of Jesus Christ." He was not of Calvary Chapel, not of the Baptist church or the Methodist church. He was a representative of Jesus Christ, not a religion.

It does not matter who laid hands on you, it is the anointing on your forehead. That is the key. Did God really anoint you? If He did not, then what are you doing? Do not do something that is not fruitful, growing or developing.

We have to remember we are ambassadors of Christ. We are called, anointed and sent out by Him. Whatever we do is a reflection of the Lord, so be sure you do not misrepresent Him. Wherever I go and whatever I do, I always want my testimony to be right before the Lord. I am His ambassador to the world.

The conduct of our lives is the
true mirror of our doctrine.
~Michel de Montaigne~
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